One of Pino Pine first concerns is to provide our customers with products and a service of high quality standards. We are committed to a work philosophy based on the continuous improvement principle, thus we are a ISO 9001 certified company since 2002.

As an environmentally aware company, Pino Pine sees the environment, health and safety as essencial features to the present and future wellbeing in our planet. Deeply confident in our ability to innovate, in 2002 we signed the Responsible Care® Global Charter, a voluntary initiative of global chemical industry committed to continuously improve its health, safety and environmental performance and to report on the progresso made.

Since then we’ve adopted, developed and implemented several procedures that allow us to achieve and demonstrate a solid performance through the monitoring of the environmental impact of our activities, products and services. All efforts and measures put in place to promote environmental protection, have culminated this year (2017) in the certification of our Environmental Management System as per the ISO 14001: 2004 standard.

We’ve been granted the Kosher certification, by the worldwide-known Orthodox Union, for our line of products intended for food use, chewing gum and beverages. In the same line of products we are currently implementing a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points system (HACCP), which we aim to get certified by an accredited third party soon.