Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals


  • Currently all the products manufactured and placed on the market by Pino Pine upon which the REACH registration requirement apply, are REACH compliant. Either they are registered and/or pre-registered by Pino Pine, or they are registered and/or pre-registered by our suppliers, up in the supply chain.
  • We consider Pino Pine active participation in HARRPA (Hydrocarbon And Rosin Resins and Pine chemicals producers Association) a real plus, as it allows us to follow up closely the major regulatory changes taking place in Europe, which may impact our business.
  • Pino Pine is also a member of the H4R (Hydrocarbon Resins & Rosin Resin REACH Consortium), launched in 2008 by the major European rosin resin derivatives manufacturers, with the purpose of combining efforts and optimize resources in order to meet the legal requirements imposed to the Industry by REACH.
  • In Portugal we are associate members of APQuímica (Associação Portuguesa das Empresas Químicas), the Portuguese Association of Chemical Companies, whose mission is to defend and promote the members’ legitimate rights and interests, as well as to contribute to the sustainable evolution of our activities in the chemical industry and national econcomy frameworks. Serious issues of concern to the Chemical Industry are discussed wthin APQuímica, and as far as possible, solutions are advocated vis-à-vis the different national and international organisations and bodies.