Rosin derivatives are chemicals with a wide range of applications. Without even noticing, we are surrounded by products, articles and objects, crucial to our daily routine, that are made of rosin derivatives. Examples of these objects are, for instance, the printing inks we find in newspapers and magazines, the paints and varnishes used in floor and furniture coatings. From depilatory waxes to chewing gums, from the rubber used in car tires to the paints used in road marking, so many other uses are possible for rosin derivatives.

In the end of the day, there is a huge amount of uses which are regulated by specific pieces of legislation, which requirements Pino Pine is aware of, studies and takes into account in our research and customized product development processes, so that our customers can use our products as raw-materials in their formulations, confident that these are safe and meet the applicable regulatory requirements.

Pino Pine focuses highly on its staff’s qualifications with ongoing training. In the Regulatory Affairs department we have a team of people entirely dedicated to studying the legal and regulatory requirements that apply, not only to our products and activities, but also to our customer’s products. Thus, in case any further regulatory assistance is required, we are more than happy to help.

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